The world witnessed digital marketing to have a substantial effect on marketing and advertising, all due to the phase in which people developed a trust in online marketing. A decade back the opinion often concluded that online sellers were scams or a hoax. In recent years, we saw a drastic change both from retailers’ and customers points of view. Not only did the customers develop more faith but the competitive online markets also provided products at cheaper rates with more efficient interaction with direct sellers.
In the conventional phase, where the customers had to find the right product and manufacturer, in the changing era, it became essential for the retailer to find the right customer! That highlighted the importance of ‘effective’ advertising. Statically, almost 53% of people have been used to ignoring the banner ads, and due to this almost 68% of the total international companies have decided to switch to digital advertising that could be ‘effective’.
This also proves to have other potential advantages. First and foremost, the manufacturers have an international market to deal with, unlike before, when they had only thousands of local people. Then, this revolutionizing concept also led to several free websites and services available on the Internet which earned only on ads. This leads to two advantages. The end users have many free services available, and the retailers have an affordable big platform to present themselves!
Concept of Digital Marketing
The concept of digital marketing was a major push and advancement in the IT sector. Apart from having just the content did not matter now, because the customers would like to visit visually attractive sites, which could attract potential manufacturers to them. So this led to a major increase in the job opportunities for web developers. So the online retailers now also worked on properly presenting themselves.
Digital marketing completely changed the outlook of marketing and was the initial step towards the upgraded today’s world, which completely has a different face, as compared to the world we had a decade ago!
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